Guess my admin score - win a prize
Since this year should prove to be my worst academic year ever, I thought I'd offer everyone a chance to profit off my test taking abilities - or lack thereof.If you can correctly guess my Admin score you will win a prize - more than likely a bottle or two of something like this:

So far we have, in order from highest to lowest:
Fraser - 77
Sharon - 75
Ryan - 71
Mike - 70
A few factors to help you make a decision:
My marks in law school have ranged from 64-81.
I don't feel confident about it.
My preparation has been...nominal.
Good luck to everyone who guesses. Any guess below 55 or above 80 will be disqualified as outside the realm of probability.
I'm giving you the big 72. I know you've got it in you. Make me proud.
I guess a 74% - high enough to give the CAN cred
Good luck!
Voska is thinking about bad sex things - so his guess is 69
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