One Way Ticket to Hell...and Back!

When I first heard The Darkness I was skeptical. Sure, I Believe in a Thing Called Love sounded great, but too often I heard it blaring out of an Excursion while two hipster chicks rocked out in the front. And weren't they just a bad novelty tribute band? But the more I listened the more I realized that they weren't ripping Queen off - they were fulfilling Homer's immortal words that at some point, rock reached its peak. And for the Brother Darknesses that point was 1975.
The new album manages to sound even more authentic, if that's possible. While the title track will undoubtedly dominate Excursions bumping down Robson for some Christmas shopping, the true highlight for me is Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time, which shows that The Darkness are familiar with Queens softer side as well, and maybe even a little Zeppelin for good measure. (Also, if you downloaded the title track CD single, or even bought it I suppose, the album version is a full minute longer, with a Zamfir-esque pan flute intro and someone snorting their nose).
Cross a thousand miles of broken glass
on my hands and knees
Sing it Justin. Sing to my wounded soul...
The Darkness - One Way Ticket to Hell...and Back
Standout Tracks
Hazel Eyes
One Way Ticket
Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time
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