So not required

Least necessary sequel: Basic Instinct 2
The first Basic Instinct was, I suppose, an ok sort of movie. You got to see Sharon Stone's cha cha, and if that's the kind of thing that works you up you should know there's porn on the internet. Seriously. Just Google "porn." So when I saw the remake I thought hey, it's a decade or more later. I wonder what Stone's forbidden jewel is up to? Apparently we'll get to find out.

Least necessary remake: Superman
When this project was first being floated around, with Kevin Smith and Nic Cage attached, I was excited. And when Batman Begins came out and kicked all kinds of the ass and took all kinds of the names, I was excited. And when they dropped Smith and Cage and started talking Singer, I was excited. And then I watched the trailer.
You must be kidding.
I've seen the original Superman. It had Christopher Reeve. It was not really good, but it had its charm. Now maybe this trailer is doing the new movie, which cost $180 million, a disservice. Maybe this movie is going to take the names and kick the ass. Maybe.
But right now? It looks pretty much like an exact duplicate of the old movie. And that would suck.
On the plus side - how long until the Christian Fundies start marching over that "sent them you, my only son" comment?
superman, redux.
this sux.
yeah, it doesn't REALLY rhyme, but just imagine it does. sadly, i am going to LOUDLY and ADAMANTLY agree that the superman redo is completely and utterly unrequired. i thought "hey, bryan singer, the dude who actually did a pretty good job with Xmen. okay, i can get on board with that." but then, the 1st big problem: kate botsworth as lois lane. "you mean the cute blonde from blue crush? THAT kate botsworth? the one who's dating legolas, who calls her 'baby' and thinks its cute?!" my reaction: HOW IN THE HELL IS SHE LOIS LANE?! blah. she's no spitfire! damsel in distress, yes, but none of the attitude that a lois lane needs. a friend commented "smallville the movie, too bad they couldn't get tom welling to do it." smallville the movie is a good description of what i'm expecting from it. although, kev. spacey as lex, that may make it worth seeing.
oh yeah, and they messed with the supes logo. you do NOT mess with the supes logo. it's just not done.
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