
Ryan has of late been lamenting the lack of good new music. As a frequenter of music blogs I forget that most people rely on the radio or the Halls of the Damned for new music picks. So for anyone who has been feeling music deprived lately, this post is for you. (Really it's for me. Who cares about you?)
Guillemots is a London-based band which includes a 21 year-old Canadian bass player and an electronic musician from Brazil. And the lead singer's name is Fyfe Dangerfield. They also happen to make some of the best music I've heard since Arcade Fire started blowing everyone's freakin' mind.
Read an ok article about them in Eye.
And now the music:
Guillemots - Trains to Brazil
My pick for early song of the year. Utterly fantastic. Horn stabs. Wailing. Children laughing. The whole song is so unabashedly happy, and then you listen to the lyrics and realize it's all about prophets and blowing things up and maybe dying tomorrow.
Guillemots - Go Away
This song is too long by about 3 minutes. It loses its way, the lyrics get repetitive, and the entire affair has the suspicious sheen of something that has been done before. So why do I love it? Because somehow, some way, it works. And at the midway point they start to channel Radiohead.
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i have more, including "sea", another too-long song that you will grow to love. . .
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