

One potato. Two potato. Three potato. Pork.

Actual and Made-Up Adages Used to Promote the Consumption of Pork

I was going to write a post today starting with "What is possible between two people," but then I got so sick of reading my words that I wanted to hurl my computer out the 6th floor window of this Arthur Erickson monstrosity. (I'm sorry Christine - this building is weak.) Let's just say there's a time for personal reflection and there's a time to break sh!t. And this is the latter time.

Does anyone know where I can find a batting cage in Vancouver? Or possibly a place where men get drunk and beat the living bejeezus out of each other? What's that called again? Oh right - Surrey.

On a different note I've set up a Flickr Pro account and have been uploading every photo I can find onto it. The pics are probably of interest to no one except the people in them - and I think those people know who they are. There's also a set of birthday photos where I appear to be the only person at the party. I do seem to be having a good time though.

My Flickr


At 11:01 PM, Blogger Sharon said...

Want to ride alongside the Duke of Deliciousness on the gravy train to Pork Chop Paradise?

At 11:04 AM, Blogger karysma7 said...

RE: your boy least likely to post -
i'm SO glad you got to see them play - i had a blast when there were here in l.a. - it was such a fun show, even though i had to wait until practically midnight to see them. l.a. is so obnoxious that way. (cue monsters track)

If, at any time in the future, the guillemots come within any kind of driving distance of you, you HAVE to see them - i was almost stupified. and i am so in love with fyfe. and aristabal. but mostly fyfe. (though aristabal IS really hot.) but fyfe even returns my emails. . .

you know i DID email you once, but i don't think you ever wrote back, so i'm back to leaving comments on your blog. . . email me so that i can send you a fun video link. . .

RE: this post -
i hate days like that. . .
(cue papercuts)

At 12:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually do know where a batting cage.

I also know where Surrey is.

At 9:09 PM, Blogger Christine said...

siiigh! no love for the erick-ster!


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